Monday, February 09, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. When I was 7 I asked my Dad if he though I was pretty and after a long pause he told me I had a nice neck.
2. If there was only one thing I could change about myself it would be to have been born an amazing dancer of every style.
3. Over the past 10 years, one of my biggest regrets was not buying Napoleon stickers at Les Invalides in June 2005 because they were too expensive. Frankie bought some. I will always have to live with that.
4. I prefer sculptures to paintings. My favorite sculptor is Rodin.
5. My favorite countries are Colombia and France.
6. I have always felt that I led a boring and tragedy free life. To compensate I like to make up elaborate stories of more interesting lives. These include being adopted from a war torn country, having black skin or being hired as a soloist for the Moscow City Ballet at the age of 14.
7. I have really expensive taste. This is a problem since I do not make very much money and do not expect to make any kind of significant salary in my lifetime, thus, I am left with no option but to marry a very rich man.
8. I am allergic to the cold. When I go outside in the winter my legs get really splotchy and ugly.
9. I am a persistent abuser of punctuation rules. Why put only one exclamation when you can put three???
10. I blush really easily.
11. I do not take compliments well. I’ve never sure what to say afterwards.
12. I constantly embarrass myself by bursting into rooms yelling things like ‘BOOYAH’ or ‘SHAZAM’ but I can’t seem to stop.
13. I personify everyday objects. If the refrigerator is not working anymore it’s because we’ve broken up, but we’re thinking of getting back together once the repairman comes.
14. My favorite singer is Jacques Brel. His songs have made me want to learn the acordion. As a side note there is a famous Colombian acordion player with the surname Lallemand.
15. I have always wondered when the saxophone was invented but never bothered to find out. This stemmed from a dream I had where I was trapped on a pirate ship but was able stay alive by amusing the crew with ska songs played on a sax.
16. I have always wanted to make short films to show people how I see the world.
17. After my family, I am most grateful for my friends who tolerate my insanity with amazing ease.
18. Answering these things always makes me nervous because everyone else’s answers are so much cooler than mine.
19. When I was in elementary school I went over to my friend Julia's house with a Laura Secord chocolate bunny that I had named Petey. When Julia and I came up from the basement, we found Petey hung from a noose from the upstairs banaster courtesy of Julia's sister Catriona. I went upstairs to find Catriona hiding in a closet. I then kicked her. I don't remember any of this happening. Julia told me years later. Sometimes I wish I still had that kind of anger in me.
20. My Dad is always telling me to calm down. It drives me nuts. What if I don’t want to be calm?
21. I never admit to crying, I just say that my eyes are leaking.
22. I am a picture fanatic.
23. I am secretly 80 years old. I enjoy pastimes like listening to the CBC, rocking on rocking chairs, sewing, general crafting and wearing cardigans. My next life goal is to make a quilt.
24. I can only remember being really angry 4 times in my life. Most of these instances involved technology, including my arch nemesis GoogleDocs.
25. I simultaneously have a really great and really terrible memory. For example, I can remember entire conversations years after they happened, but I cannot remember where things are in my kitchen.

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