Monday, October 06, 2008

My Job...

So it occured to me that I have been here a month and not told most people about my blog, or what I actually do for my job. Even though I have had the best intentions about sending out email updates I must confess that working 11 hour days does not leave a lot of time for communication. So here it goes... I work for MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates) an organization based out of Canada that works in about 15 countries around the world. They have an office in Nicaragua and run microfinance projects as well as an agricultural development project called PRODUMER. PRODUMER is a project that works with sesame seed farmers to present them with better technology, cropping methods, market access and financing. It has been running for 6 years so far and will be ending in March 2009. My job is to write a report that evaluates the gender component of the project by the end of January 2009. So far I have been working crazy long hours on a bunch of different things, one of which is the semi annual report that has to be handed in by the end of October. Everybody knows that interns work ridiculous hours for little pay, so I feel like my expectations have been met in that area. So far I am enjoying my job but have had no opportunities to get out into the field and actually speak to farmers, who are located in three different departments (same as provinces) along the Pacific coast. I have become very well aquainted with one Central/South American phenomenon know as "The Meeting That Will Not End" aka a "reunion" in Spanish. As much as I love to have a good chat with a cooperative president, 8 hours is excessive. While there are many things I really like about Central American culture, these unlimited meetings are killer. Especially when you have several in a row.
Pictures: In the office with fellow interns (please do not look too closely at the Us Magazine that I am reading... I work really hard, I swear). Also, a shot of my office from the outside.

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