Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fun Facts

1. Replacing the horn in a cab with a cat call noise makes it that much more interesting to drive in.
2. The neighborhood I live in was named after a contra guerilla commander. It is also where they relocated all the guerillas after the revolution.
3. The quickest way to lose the respect of your co workers is to sing 'The One' by the Backstreet Boys as part of a duet in a kareoke bar.
4. Passionfruit juice and ice tea taste delicious together.
5. It is so hot and humid here that envelopes seal themselves.
6. It is a bad idea to walk through doors if you do not know what is behind them. You might end up in a chop shop and facing a lot of men holding very large guns.
7. If you are lucky, your car will not blow up when you leave it running while filling up gas.
8. Soup is always delicious, no matter the temperature.
9. It is a bad idea to leave your clothes to dry outside when your neighboors are burning garbage because then your clothes will smell like plastic and bacon at the same time.
10. 85% of all the street food snacks/meals you buy will be the best food you have ever had.

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