The only problem is that Managua lacks most of the charm Venice posesses and at least with Venice you are expecting water.

Anyone out there who has spent time in another country during rainy season knows that after days and days of rain, the sun cannot come out soon enough. I am writing to you now as the sun has come out after several days of crazy weather and hard rain. Managua, unfortunately, was not built with a great deal of urban planning in mind. Along with being built exactly on a faultline, it is also where all the water drains to from a fairly susbtancial watershed. It floods a lot. Very quickly. 

Strange things happen during rainy season. Your definition of 'soaked' changes from more or less wet to completely drenched. You triple plastic bag everything. You wear shorter skirts with the mentality that at least there is less fabric to get wet. You become irrationally jealous of people with cars who drive by completely dry, not a hair out of place. You don't even notice less than a foot of flooding. Everything you own molds... earrings, your wooden hangers, your bedsheets, etc.

At first, you are very sensitive about smelling like mildew, but once you get on the bus and realize everyone has the same fragrance, you accept the inevitable.
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