Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You Just Can't Find Places Like This in Canada

The best part about reading through a Nicaraguan guide book is that occasionally you find pasages like this, that just make your heart sing. Behold, on page 197 of the 2005 Moon handbook to Nicaragua.

"La Trinidad, named for the three hills that cradle it gently in their arms, is a festive town of bread bakers, bus drivers, musicians, and cowboys. Its unhurried and friendly populace can often be found hanging out in the lush park, a well-tended central plaza--green even in the height of the dry season--and home to Kameleon, La Trinidad's pet tree sloth, who lives untethered in the park's canopy. The Catholic church, although decidedly ugly and non-colonial, may be worth a visit during mass to hear the dueling mariachi choirs."
If that doesn't make you want to come here, I don't know what will...

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