Monday, February 11, 2008

Sloth: I iz not a sin

Parque Nacional Soberania is a national park about a 15min drive from my house. While it is a perfectly beautiful park, we have a complicated history since it is the site I did my individual project for my biology class. I based my project on plant identification not realizing that there are thousands of different plants present on the grounds. This fact, coupled with my lack of plant knowledge made this project long, arduous and completely inaccurate. On the positive side, I saw a really cool sloth and coaties there.

Top left: This is a crappy picture of the sloth I saw. It's at the bottom center of the picture and is upside down. Look hard. You'll see it.

Top right: Random lizard that was nice enough to pose for me

Bottom: Leaf cutter ants. They form these highways of leaf bits they carry on their backs.

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