Saturday, June 24, 2006

Manuel Lallemand (Brother to Manual Labor)

Tues. June 6th, 2006 -Thurs. June 8th, 2006 (Days 5-7)
I have discovered since coming here that the work you do in the mornings before walking to the village have absolutely nothing to do with conservation. Here is a list of some of the things I have done while here:

1. Clean mud out of a pool
2. Haul stones up a hill
3. Carve steps into the soil
4. Build paths of dirt
5. Weed gardens

I am in no way helping the rainforest. If anything I am providing free manual labor to do exactly the opposite. It breaks my little soil science heart to tear plants out of the ground that are currently preventing erosion of delicate tropical soil profiles. This project is supremely shady. Organic farm my ass. It´s a field that Anna and Sara cleared 2 weeks ago. I did not come to Ecuador to clean out a pool. I could have done that at Frankie´s old house if I really wanted. The work I have been doing has been topped only by the meat carving I did on Monday. Ewww...

1 comment:

Theresa said...
