Saturday, June 24, 2006

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

Sun. June 11, 2006 (Day10)
"It was a dark and stormy night. I kicked the llama out of my bed and directly regretted it - that alkapeckaseltzer wool was warm. Outside my window the jewelers were beginning to chant - I did not look forward to the morning's ritual slaughter of the sacred condor and then carving the stairway to the American Express temple.... then there was Frankie who had run off with the chief's badass son and now was being held captive for ransom. I realized I had to dress and get to the clearing RV before zero dark thirty - Frankeez Mother was parachuting in at dawn with a team of crack business women commandos - I was to be the point gal and scout.... I briefly wondered why Mom had been so keen to send me here..... "

The beginnings of my New York Times Bestselling novel as written by Dr. Roman Johann Jarymowycz

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