In a world where you can do just about everything over the internet, applying for my overseas ballot was a bit of a shock to my system. First you have to fill out a form to show that you are eligible to to vote and send it to Canada. The government then sends you a ballot, and you fill it out and send it back. In case any of you are unaquainted with Nicaraguan mail, it is not the fastest mailing system in the world (although not nearly as bad a other mail systems I've sent stuff from). The ballot itself was complicated too since it has to be put inside an evelope, that needs to be put inside another envolope, that needs to be put inside another envolope**. All of these envelopes had sealed themselves by the time I got them, making my ballot look incredibly tampered with. I wonder if after all that trouble my ballot was even counted considering it looked like someone hacked it open with a saw. I must admit I went into a bit of a depression following the Canadian election considering how little policies were explained and the cheap shots between parties. Alas, my favorite politician, Stephane Dion, has stepped down as leader of the Liberal Party. I console myself by listening to Jacques Brel.
** I'll turn him into a flee. A harmless little flee. Then I'll put that flee in a box. And I'll put that box in another box. Then I'll mail that box to myself. And when it arrives. A HA HA HA HA!!! I'LL SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER.
1 comment:
Best use of a quote I have ever read.
Great to read your comments on Nicaraguan life Lauren! We'll desperately miss you at the next dinner...
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