Friday, January 30, 2009

Cowboy Boots Flowchart

Nicaragua is famous for many things, not all of them good. Among them are volcanoes, lakes, hurricanes, revolutions, cigars, patio furniture, coffee, and finally, boots. There are a surprising amount of cowboys in this country, and by extension, a developed leather working industry. What does this mean for the average tourist? Cheap cowboy boots!! I was apprehensive at first about getting some because I thought I would never wear them. But after some careful consideration of the cowboy boots flowchart, I decided that they were too good a souvenir to pass up. Walking into a shop full of shirtless men and cow hide was a very intimidating (and embarassing!) experience since it was painfully obvious how out of my element I was. However, the dual gems of a good pair of cowboy boots and a tacky belt with requisite enourmous belt buckle were well worth the temporary discomfort.

I like how forced my smile is. You can tell I'm nervous. But they're so pretty!!